12 January 2017, Brussels, Belgium
On 12.01.2017 the national Belgian CrowdFundRES workshop on the topic “Crowdfunding for Renewables and Energy Efficiency” takes place.
We provide hands-on solutions to clean energy project developers actively seeking finance via crowdfunding. The following questions will be answered amongst others.
- Case studies across the EU. What kind of projects were already financed via crowdfunding?
- Guidelines. Is crowdfunding right for my project? Which questions should I ask a crowdfunding platform? How can I pick the right crowdfunding website?
- Set Up. How much money can I raise? Do I need a prospectus? What is possible in Belgium, and what isn’t? How is the financial and legal set up in Belgium?
- Workflow. What is the due diligence process? How much time and efforts does it take?
- Marketing. What are the marketing benefits in terms of local and social media? How much time does it take to run a successful crowdfunding campaign?
It is a good opportunity to ask direct questions to people that run crowdfunding websites and discuss common issues with other project developers.
Please download here the presentation from GreenCrowding and from Ecconova.
Date and time: 12.01.2017 10:00-12:00.
Place: Osborne Clarke, Avenue Marnix 23, 1000 Brussels.